- Star of Derek Hart’s novel and upcoming film,
“Secret of the Dragon’s Eye” -
By Janie Pendleton
October 21, 2009
Novelist Janie Pendleton turns journalist as she travels across craggy-covered hills of the United Kingdom in search of a long awaited interview with ancient dragon, Thaddeus Osbert. For Janie, this meet would bring about long awaited answers to the tales and legends she had heard and read so much about. So packing her bags, the writer set out on a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, safely arriving at her intended destination— Cornwall, England.
Her story begins there…
Although the bramble-covered paths were endless, I stayed hopeful in my pursuit to find the elusive red dragon. Weeks passed and still there was no real word of Sir Osbert’s whereabouts. I was determined however, and continued in my search to find the mythical red dragon that my dear friend, Derek Hart, had written so fondly about.
“Ya cain’t get much further than this, m’um,” my British driver, Thomas, informed me as the taxi rolled to a halt.
Wiping fog from the window’s interior, I gazed out and across the clay rooftops that dotted the tiny village. “Where are we?”
“Tintagel,” Thomas answered. “’Tis a glorious village, steeped in ancient myth, supposed birthplace of King Arthur. The County of Cornwall, or Kernow, as it’s often referred to heire, is most ancient indeed.”
Awestruck, I commented, “It’s beautiful!”
“This stretch of northern coastline is famous for caves, smugglers, and mystic legends,” he informed, “’tis a land, whose history is intricately bound by the sea, ‘n has all the staries you’ll ever desire to write ‘bout. I’m sure somebody heire cain help ye find your bleedin’ dragon.”
Spellbound by the whitewashed houses that lined the stone-imbedded streets, I retrieved my case, said goodbye to Thomas, and set out on foot for the Trewarmett Inn.
Autumn had come to Tintagel, and the deep red and bright yellow leaves were spinning into gold as they fell under the midday sun.
This town is one of the most incredible places I have ever seen.
Reaching the top of a steep hill, I spied a small port in the distance, a cove where tiny fishing boats, old smuggler inns, and sturdy granite water-breaks, swept across the bay. I paused to watch several local anglers as they reeled in their catch.
Soon, I came upon the quaint little Cottage Teashop, its smell divine. Famished, I stepped inside for a bite.
Just as I sat down to order, however, I noticed something amiss. Sitting on my small mosaic-tiled table, sat a rather large bowl of sugar cubes. Curious, I looked around the tiny café. All the tables had the same size bowl of sugar. Even the long food counter held large, canopic-style jars filled with the white stuff.
People in Cornwall must really like sugar.
I decided to ask the young woman … oh, what did she say her name was? Tilly! Yes, that was it. I decided to ask Tilly, who was serving me, why there was so much sugar on the tables. She gave way to a blush.
“Oh, dun’t ask me that m’um. ‘Tis not me place ta talk ‘bout such tings, ya know?”
“About sugar?” I questioned further, “what’s so secretive about sugar?”
“Please m’um, I cun onlee take your order.” She continued nervously. “Whet are ye havin’ taday? We haive a tasty Whortleberry pie that’s been pulled fresh from thee oven, miss. Or, how ‘bout a nice Cornish Pasty? ‘Tis a crust made weth su’t ‘n then shaped like a ‘alf moon, weth crinkly h’edges. ‘Tis an easy thang ta take weth ya, it is.”
Was Tilly suggesting I shouldn’t stay long? I looked at my watch and then to the sign hanging on the glass door. The café was open for lunch another hour.
Still, my mouth watered. I decided to stay long enough to order both.
“Wrap it up and I’ll take it with me,” I told her.
Tilly bobbed her molasses colored locks and scrambled back to the kitchen. She returned shortly with my packaged fare, and soon, I was quickly off on foot again.
Before long, I found myself sitting in a nearby park nibbling on my hot lunch, when a young man approached me from behind. The startle nearly caused me to drop the extremely large slice of Whortleberry pie on my lap.
“’E’cuse me, miss. I ‘ear you’ve been askin’ ‘round town ‘bout a certain dragon?”
“What about it?” I answered, somewhat defensive.
The locals were more than illusive when asked about this fire-breathing creature. They seemed most reluctant to speak of such tales to an American. But this young man had mentioned that he would tell me what I needed to know for a mere six shillings. Said he knew of someone who could help me. What did I have to lose? I agreed to his terms.
“Thair’s ‘n ol’ woman, her name is Mary, she claims ta know o’ these vary same tales; myths o’ such an old dragon.”
Excited, I paid his fee and set off for my new destination— Mary Plympton’s place. The old woman served during the Second World War as a nurse. I had a strong inkling about this woman and I couldn't wait to chat with her.
At two o'clock, I rang Mrs. Plympton’s door. A nursemaid answered. I followed her quietly to the courting parlor and was seated. It wasn’t long and the old woman appeared through a large walnut door. The nursemaid seated her just across from me on a small, red settee.
Ms. Plympton greeted me with a warm smile. She then handed me a dainty porcelain cup. “Have some ta, me dear.”
"Thank you, ma'am," I said, accepting the muddy-brown liquid gracefully. Putting my lips to the steaming rim, I began to take a sip.
“Oh. dear! Ye cain’t drink your ta like that,” the old woman scolded. “Haire, ‘ave some sugar.”
Ms. Plympton lifted a large glass bowl from under the teacart. Inside was at least a half pound of the sweetest looking crystalline powder I’d ever seen.
How odd!
After conversing with Ms. Plympton, who eventually relived her entire life story, I found myself quite relieved. After all, I now had the answer to the town’s sugar craze. But that part of the story, I will leave for author, Derek Hart, to tell in his dragon series novels.
Meanwhile, I agreed to allow Mary's grandson, Mitch Plympton, to serve as my guide for tomorrow's great adventure. It would be then, that my most immeasurable and defining moment would come to light. I would get to meet a real, live dragon!
Still, my mouth watered. I decided to stay long enough to order both.
“Wrap it up and I’ll take it with me,” I told her.
Tilly bobbed her molasses colored locks and scrambled back to the kitchen. She returned shortly with my packaged fare, and soon, I was quickly off on foot again.
Before long, I found myself sitting in a nearby park nibbling on my hot lunch, when a young man approached me from behind. The startle nearly caused me to drop the extremely large slice of Whortleberry pie on my lap.
“’E’cuse me, miss. I ‘ear you’ve been askin’ ‘round town ‘bout a certain dragon?”
“What about it?” I answered, somewhat defensive.
The locals were more than illusive when asked about this fire-breathing creature. They seemed most reluctant to speak of such tales to an American. But this young man had mentioned that he would tell me what I needed to know for a mere six shillings. Said he knew of someone who could help me. What did I have to lose? I agreed to his terms.
“Thair’s ‘n ol’ woman, her name is Mary, she claims ta know o’ these vary same tales; myths o’ such an old dragon.”
Excited, I paid his fee and set off for my new destination— Mary Plympton’s place. The old woman served during the Second World War as a nurse. I had a strong inkling about this woman and I couldn't wait to chat with her.
At two o'clock, I rang Mrs. Plympton’s door. A nursemaid answered. I followed her quietly to the courting parlor and was seated. It wasn’t long and the old woman appeared through a large walnut door. The nursemaid seated her just across from me on a small, red settee.
Ms. Plympton greeted me with a warm smile. She then handed me a dainty porcelain cup. “Have some ta, me dear.”
"Thank you, ma'am," I said, accepting the muddy-brown liquid gracefully. Putting my lips to the steaming rim, I began to take a sip.
“Oh. dear! Ye cain’t drink your ta like that,” the old woman scolded. “Haire, ‘ave some sugar.”
Ms. Plympton lifted a large glass bowl from under the teacart. Inside was at least a half pound of the sweetest looking crystalline powder I’d ever seen.
How odd!
After conversing with Ms. Plympton, who eventually relived her entire life story, I found myself quite relieved. After all, I now had the answer to the town’s sugar craze. But that part of the story, I will leave for author, Derek Hart, to tell in his dragon series novels.
Meanwhile, I agreed to allow Mary's grandson, Mitch Plympton, to serve as my guide for tomorrow's great adventure. It would be then, that my most immeasurable and defining moment would come to light. I would get to meet a real, live dragon!
Mitch and I met under the cloak of a heavy mist the very next morning and walked for miles, crossing the rolling, evergreen hills of Cornwall. Soon we passed a countryside graveyard where we only rested a moment, and then pushed onward.
Once we reached an open field, I spied a small white cottage. It sat up high, on a grand hill overlooking the Tintagel Castle ruins. We cautiously stepped inside where Mitch told me to wait by the fireplace. I did just that—waited.
For an hour or so I remained silent, keeping a watchful eye for this high-spirited dragon to appear. I had even set a trap— a sugar-filled bowl on nearby table. But after another long wait, there was no sign of the legendary dragon. I kicked the dust up on the old plank floor.
Once we reached an open field, I spied a small white cottage. It sat up high, on a grand hill overlooking the Tintagel Castle ruins. We cautiously stepped inside where Mitch told me to wait by the fireplace. I did just that—waited.
For an hour or so I remained silent, keeping a watchful eye for this high-spirited dragon to appear. I had even set a trap— a sugar-filled bowl on nearby table. But after another long wait, there was no sign of the legendary dragon. I kicked the dust up on the old plank floor.
Another trick!
Suddenly, I felt a warm sensation on my neck. I turned abruptly to see what could be causing such a heated draft. The fireplace after all, was not lit. I saw nothing. Then came a noise; a very loud gurgle.
Was that a growling tummy I heard?
I spun on my heels and looked up. To my surprise, Thaddeus Osbert, the famous red dragon from Derek Hart’s historical fantasy novels, had instantly appeared before me. Majestically he spoke, which surprised me further.
Dragons talk?
“I am exceedingly happy to see you’ve brought me sugar in quantity,” he added with a puff of smoke, “Please stay for a proper tea, since it be 4 o’clock exactly.”
I could have fainted at this point, but quickly came to realize that the rumors ‘bout dragons were true. I regained my wits and asked Thaddeus if I could interview him for Mr. Hart’s inquisitive readers. To my good fortune, Thaddeus agreed and an interview followed...
For your autographed copy of “Secret of the Dragon’s Eye”, please visit www.derekhartent.com.
So, Thaddeus, tell us how you found your way into a series of exciting stories like the “Secret of the Dragon’s Eye” and “The Secret of the Dragon’s Breath?”
It was pretty much by accident, really. I was minding me own business, when this Yank just wandered into me cottage and started running his hand over my scaled tummy. Of course, I was still camouflaged as the fireplace, but it tickled. Poof, I appeared, but this nice bloke wasn’t even frightened. He introduced himself as Derek Hart the author, and would I mind terribly if he interviewed me? We’ve been friends ever since.
I read somewhere that you are older than most dragons. Just how old are you?
Suddenly, I felt a warm sensation on my neck. I turned abruptly to see what could be causing such a heated draft. The fireplace after all, was not lit. I saw nothing. Then came a noise; a very loud gurgle.
Was that a growling tummy I heard?
I spun on my heels and looked up. To my surprise, Thaddeus Osbert, the famous red dragon from Derek Hart’s historical fantasy novels, had instantly appeared before me. Majestically he spoke, which surprised me further.
Dragons talk?
“I am exceedingly happy to see you’ve brought me sugar in quantity,” he added with a puff of smoke, “Please stay for a proper tea, since it be 4 o’clock exactly.”
I could have fainted at this point, but quickly came to realize that the rumors ‘bout dragons were true. I regained my wits and asked Thaddeus if I could interview him for Mr. Hart’s inquisitive readers. To my good fortune, Thaddeus agreed and an interview followed...
For your autographed copy of “Secret of the Dragon’s Eye”, please visit www.derekhartent.com.
So, Thaddeus, tell us how you found your way into a series of exciting stories like the “Secret of the Dragon’s Eye” and “The Secret of the Dragon’s Breath?”
It was pretty much by accident, really. I was minding me own business, when this Yank just wandered into me cottage and started running his hand over my scaled tummy. Of course, I was still camouflaged as the fireplace, but it tickled. Poof, I appeared, but this nice bloke wasn’t even frightened. He introduced himself as Derek Hart the author, and would I mind terribly if he interviewed me? We’ve been friends ever since.
I read somewhere that you are older than most dragons. Just how old are you?
I am currently 1,583 years old. Most of me brothers and sisters have returned to Father Volcano.
I am curious, where were you born … and where do you live now?
Eyrbyggja, Iceland is me birthplace. Tintagel, North Cornwall, has been me chosen residence for many hundreds of years. Currently I spend a great deal of time in the United States, as Mr. Hart chronicles me various adventures.
So, Thaddeus, you’ve seen a lot of history. Can you tell us about some of your most memorable moments?
WWII was the most challenging time for England and the world. Me fellow dragons feared that they might be forced to intervene, if the Nazis were to succeed. I saved them the trouble, because I changed a few things meself.
I received me knighthood from Queen Elizabeth, but you can read all about that story in the upcoming Secret of the Dragon’s Claw. Likewise, Queen Victoria was a marvelous woman, quite opinionated and forceful. Still, most humans don’t know that she really was quite a softie. She loved sugar in her tea, almost as much as I do. Her reign was quite glorious, but I did give her council on several matters of state, but whether she wanted my viewpoint or not is another matter.
Can you tell us the names and a little something about the children that found you in Cornwall?
Gavin Kane, from Crackington Haven, North Cornwall, was one of me dearest friends in me entire life. We met in 1940 and he proved to be very courageous and delightfully inventive. Gavin did not realize his importance for quite some time, but eventually discovered his destiny was tied to King Arthur.
Emily Scott was from Boscastle, North Cornwall, and was simply a wonderful lass, who was so bright and loyal. She too had a very illustrious ancestor and it wasn’t until Emily was 16 that she discovered the significance.
Bryon “Bunty” Digby was from Plymouth and was perhaps the most entertaining of all the children I have protected under me wings through the ages. He was really quite marvelous and perhaps became the kindest and most influential friend to the magical little people who live throughout the United Kingdom.
We all know that WWII was a devastating time, especially for children. Maybe you can enlighten us on the role you and other dragons played during this time.
The Second World War was indeed a very serious time in history. Very few humans today know how close it came. There were events unfolding in Nazi Germany of horrific consequences and the Holocaust was indicative of how evil forces had taken control. In fact, I felt so strongly about it, that I interfered, in spite of being forbidden to do so. There were several times from 1939-1945, when the dragons living around the world contemplated uniting against mankind to end the hostilities once and for all, but it would have come at such a terrible price.
Most dragons do not participate in the lives and decisions of humans. They fear people and your tendency to violence. History has not been kind to the Draconian race and our numbers continue to diminish. However, I adore the human spirit, the ability to create incredible music and art, and the species is capable of infinite kindness and love. So I prefer to forgive their faults and hope that collectively this planet will survive their mistakes.
Is there a lesson in your past that might help us all as we adapt to these harder times of the present?
Indeed. Of course, I have had an advantage, because I have watched your kind develop over 1,500 years. The modern human is far too wrapped up in what you think is your technological marvels. You have lost so much of your own humanity. Yet together, there is nothing you couldn’t accomplish, for you have proven that many times. Unfortunately, there is so much anger and sorrow and division. Why do you waste so much time bickering about beliefs, skin color, and trivial matters?
There are many species of dragons too, for we are as varied as the rainbow, but we can’t afford to fight amongst ourselves, because there are so few of us remaining. If any one of us dies, then we lose a voice, a mind, a heart, and a soul. Death is part of your cycle as well, but it should never be by your own hand.
There are so many of you humans. This can be a great advantage or a great hindrance. I really think that if you put your differences aside, viewed them as an asset, you could solve all your problems. It is sad that there is so much distrust, envy, and lies. My fellow dragons are convinced you will destroy yourselves. I certainly hope not.
There is a story about how you saved a birthday; can you give a bit of that up?
It was Gavin’s birthday during May, 1941. Because of the strict rationing in the United Kingdom during the war, sugar was in VERY short supply. Since I horde sugar, I arranged for a large quantity to appear suddenly, enough to make treats for the children.
Why did you choose to go to Iceland?
It is the birthplace of all dragons and where we return when it is time to leave this world. My fellow dragons all return to Iceland 4 times a year, to renew our bond of friendships and to meet in council. We discuss the world’s events, but no human would understand our viewpoint. For us, this planet is always changing, constantly in flux, but it too is our home.
What is your favorite sport? (I bet its watching the “Sugar Bowl!”)
The true football, or what you silly Yanks call soccer.
When did you first know you wanted to save humans … especially their children?
While the great plagues swept through Europe, during what you call the Dark Ages. They were indeed dark times, for so many children died of disease and starvation. It was so difficult for me to just watch such despair. This is also the time when your species decided to hunt dragons to the brink of extinction. We were caught unawares and could not unite in time to change the outcome. It was then that I swore to serve and protect the children, in hopes that I could convince them that dragons were not evil.
What other books are you planning to appear in?
I am currently in Secret of the Dragon’s Eye and Secret of the Dragon’s Breath. Soon you will be able to read about my further adventures in Secret of the Dragon’s Claw. There will be an additional 3 books about events during WWII, titled Secret of the Dragon’s Scales, Secret of the Dragon’s Teeth, and Secret of the Dragon’s Wings. Derek Hart has been attempting to entice me into divulging my secrets from earlier times, but I will only share those stories if my readers want to experience more.
So, if they turn Derek’s books into adventure films, how will you feel about being a movie star?
I won’t actually be in the movies, but represented by CGI and voiceover actors, because I am actually quite shy and must protect my identity. However, I am very excited that even more people will get to know me better. While it’s true that I am a fire-breathing dragon, I am really quite nice and prefer sugar and sweets for my diet.
Anything else you would like to share with your fans?
It is grand to know that children, regardless of their real age, enjoy reading about some of my adventures. While the tales are indeed magical and wondrous, I also hope that I can help readers learn a few valuable lessons from life. Oh, I do accept donations of sugar.
Can you give us (friends of dragons) Derek Hart’s website URL, so that we may explore and read all about your exciting new adventures?
I am curious, where were you born … and where do you live now?
Eyrbyggja, Iceland is me birthplace. Tintagel, North Cornwall, has been me chosen residence for many hundreds of years. Currently I spend a great deal of time in the United States, as Mr. Hart chronicles me various adventures.
So, Thaddeus, you’ve seen a lot of history. Can you tell us about some of your most memorable moments?
WWII was the most challenging time for England and the world. Me fellow dragons feared that they might be forced to intervene, if the Nazis were to succeed. I saved them the trouble, because I changed a few things meself.
I received me knighthood from Queen Elizabeth, but you can read all about that story in the upcoming Secret of the Dragon’s Claw. Likewise, Queen Victoria was a marvelous woman, quite opinionated and forceful. Still, most humans don’t know that she really was quite a softie. She loved sugar in her tea, almost as much as I do. Her reign was quite glorious, but I did give her council on several matters of state, but whether she wanted my viewpoint or not is another matter.
Can you tell us the names and a little something about the children that found you in Cornwall?
Gavin Kane, from Crackington Haven, North Cornwall, was one of me dearest friends in me entire life. We met in 1940 and he proved to be very courageous and delightfully inventive. Gavin did not realize his importance for quite some time, but eventually discovered his destiny was tied to King Arthur.
Emily Scott was from Boscastle, North Cornwall, and was simply a wonderful lass, who was so bright and loyal. She too had a very illustrious ancestor and it wasn’t until Emily was 16 that she discovered the significance.
Bryon “Bunty” Digby was from Plymouth and was perhaps the most entertaining of all the children I have protected under me wings through the ages. He was really quite marvelous and perhaps became the kindest and most influential friend to the magical little people who live throughout the United Kingdom.
We all know that WWII was a devastating time, especially for children. Maybe you can enlighten us on the role you and other dragons played during this time.
The Second World War was indeed a very serious time in history. Very few humans today know how close it came. There were events unfolding in Nazi Germany of horrific consequences and the Holocaust was indicative of how evil forces had taken control. In fact, I felt so strongly about it, that I interfered, in spite of being forbidden to do so. There were several times from 1939-1945, when the dragons living around the world contemplated uniting against mankind to end the hostilities once and for all, but it would have come at such a terrible price.
Most dragons do not participate in the lives and decisions of humans. They fear people and your tendency to violence. History has not been kind to the Draconian race and our numbers continue to diminish. However, I adore the human spirit, the ability to create incredible music and art, and the species is capable of infinite kindness and love. So I prefer to forgive their faults and hope that collectively this planet will survive their mistakes.
Is there a lesson in your past that might help us all as we adapt to these harder times of the present?
Indeed. Of course, I have had an advantage, because I have watched your kind develop over 1,500 years. The modern human is far too wrapped up in what you think is your technological marvels. You have lost so much of your own humanity. Yet together, there is nothing you couldn’t accomplish, for you have proven that many times. Unfortunately, there is so much anger and sorrow and division. Why do you waste so much time bickering about beliefs, skin color, and trivial matters?
There are many species of dragons too, for we are as varied as the rainbow, but we can’t afford to fight amongst ourselves, because there are so few of us remaining. If any one of us dies, then we lose a voice, a mind, a heart, and a soul. Death is part of your cycle as well, but it should never be by your own hand.
There are so many of you humans. This can be a great advantage or a great hindrance. I really think that if you put your differences aside, viewed them as an asset, you could solve all your problems. It is sad that there is so much distrust, envy, and lies. My fellow dragons are convinced you will destroy yourselves. I certainly hope not.
There is a story about how you saved a birthday; can you give a bit of that up?
It was Gavin’s birthday during May, 1941. Because of the strict rationing in the United Kingdom during the war, sugar was in VERY short supply. Since I horde sugar, I arranged for a large quantity to appear suddenly, enough to make treats for the children.
Why did you choose to go to Iceland?
It is the birthplace of all dragons and where we return when it is time to leave this world. My fellow dragons all return to Iceland 4 times a year, to renew our bond of friendships and to meet in council. We discuss the world’s events, but no human would understand our viewpoint. For us, this planet is always changing, constantly in flux, but it too is our home.
What is your favorite sport? (I bet its watching the “Sugar Bowl!”)
The true football, or what you silly Yanks call soccer.
When did you first know you wanted to save humans … especially their children?
While the great plagues swept through Europe, during what you call the Dark Ages. They were indeed dark times, for so many children died of disease and starvation. It was so difficult for me to just watch such despair. This is also the time when your species decided to hunt dragons to the brink of extinction. We were caught unawares and could not unite in time to change the outcome. It was then that I swore to serve and protect the children, in hopes that I could convince them that dragons were not evil.
What other books are you planning to appear in?
I am currently in Secret of the Dragon’s Eye and Secret of the Dragon’s Breath. Soon you will be able to read about my further adventures in Secret of the Dragon’s Claw. There will be an additional 3 books about events during WWII, titled Secret of the Dragon’s Scales, Secret of the Dragon’s Teeth, and Secret of the Dragon’s Wings. Derek Hart has been attempting to entice me into divulging my secrets from earlier times, but I will only share those stories if my readers want to experience more.
So, if they turn Derek’s books into adventure films, how will you feel about being a movie star?
I won’t actually be in the movies, but represented by CGI and voiceover actors, because I am actually quite shy and must protect my identity. However, I am very excited that even more people will get to know me better. While it’s true that I am a fire-breathing dragon, I am really quite nice and prefer sugar and sweets for my diet.
Anything else you would like to share with your fans?
It is grand to know that children, regardless of their real age, enjoy reading about some of my adventures. While the tales are indeed magical and wondrous, I also hope that I can help readers learn a few valuable lessons from life. Oh, I do accept donations of sugar.
Can you give us (friends of dragons) Derek Hart’s website URL, so that we may explore and read all about your exciting new adventures?
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